Messages (Page 14)

Messages (Page 14)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

Feel free to use the links above to search by Topic, Series, Book of the Bible, or Speaker.

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Where Is Your Brother?

In a culture that promotes self-sufficiency, independence, and individualism, what should be the Christian’s response when God asks us where is your brother? Looking at the story of Cain and Abel, Pastor Brent looks at our responsibility toward one another and how we should be our brother’s keeper.

Standing at the Crossroad

The death of Jesus on the cross can mean many different things to many people. As Pastors Brent and Amy wrap up the message series Cross Roads, they conclude by looking at how Jesus described his followers as crucifying themselves and asking the question, what will you do as you stand at the crossroad and see the cross of Jesus?


For the first 1,000 years of Christianity, the followers of Jesus held tightly to a view of atonement called Christus Victor, or Christ the Victor. Why was the idea of the cross of Jesus bringing victory so important and how could they find victory in a publicly humiliating execution of their rabbi? Pastor Brent looks at several New Testament passages to encourage us to reclaim the Christus Victor view of the cross today and start living in

Revealing God

It can be tempting to look at the cross and the death of Jesus and see something barbaric or even heinous. Some have even looked at the cross and seen nothing more than divine child abuse. But what if instead of seeing a horrific method of capital punishment from the first century, we see the love of God shown for us? Pastor Brent looks at how the first century Christians viewed the cross and how that can shape our perspective…

Salvation of Sinners

Why did Jesus have to die? This question can lead us to many possible solutions. One popular answer includes seeing the cross as divine child abuse as God exacted his wrath on his son. Is this true? Or is there a greater purpose in the death of Jesus on the cross? Pastor Amy looks at the sacrifice of Jesus and how it shows God’s pursuing love for his people.
All Things New

Ultimate Renewal

Ideas and even conspiracy theories abound when it comes to what will happen at the end of time. How will God deal with his creation? Will he simply abandon it and let it rot? Will he doze it or burn it down and start over from scratch? Or will he do what he’s been doing from the beginning by renewing his creation? Pastor Brent looks at Revelation 21 to see how God’s plan for the future includes renewal, coming down…
All Things New

Community Renewal

As people who follow Jesus, what is our responsibility to the world around us and our immediate community? If we aren’t careful, our beliefs and attitudes about the future can move us to a place of apathy, self-focus, and waiting for this all to end. But is that what Jesus had in mind? And is that how Jesus lived his life? By looking at God’s instructions to the people of Israel while in exile, we see that we also shouldn’t…
All Things New

Church Renewal

What comes to mind when you hear the word church? For some, we limit our answers to a specific day of the week or a building in our neighborhood. Yet, as we continue to think about renewal in our lives, how could adjusting our mentality around church help lead to a church renewal? Pastor Brent Clark looks at how the New Testament addresses the church to see how this could impact how we think about the church today.
All Things New

Personal Renewal

For many, a new year represents a fresh start. When we think about God, we often think about his power of creation, but when we dig deeper, we see he is also a God of re-creation and renewal. Pastor Brent looks at how we can have personal renewal when we become a new creation in Christ and the benefits that being a new creation offers.

What Was Luke Thinking?

Reading through the familiar Christmas story, we might be tempted to assume Luke was only interested in a biography of the life of Jesus. But reading forward, you see how Luke wanted Theophilus and those who came after to understand the full depth of Jesus’ ministry. Join Steve Rogers as he shares how Luke emphasizes the kingdom of God and is an invitation for us to join the work of Jesus there.

Mary, Did You Know?

In recent days, a newer Christmas song has taken some shots as being inaccurate or unbiblical with many on social media wanting to “correct” the record that Mary did know. But how much did Mary really know about her child to be? Did she have really understood the God-man Jesus would become and all that entailed? Pastors Brent and Amy look at the song “Mary, Did You Know? ” and the birth narratives to consider how much did Mary know,…

Last Christmas

The heart is used to describe the core of who we are and the seat of our emotions. But are we careless with what we are doing with our hearts, or are we giving it away to something or someone worth giving it to? Pastor Brent looks at Wham!’s Last Christmas and Matthew 15 to encourage a heart check this Christmas.