Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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The Church
As we continue exploring the metanarrative of God and humankind as described in Scripture, we come across one of the most beautiful yet polarizing parts of the story yet: the Church. God longs to use the church to meet the needs of His people. How will we respond to this challenging call to seek reconciliation and redemption in Jesus’ Name everywhere we go?
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is present throughout The Big Picture, but we see this part of God revealed in more significant ways following the ministry of Jesus. Who is the Holy Spirit, and how does He still help us today?
Jesus’ part in The Big Picture has always been present, but we see His role come to full fruition in His birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. He changes everything. What will you do with Jesus?
Prophets & Exiles
The Big Picture of God isn’t always comfortable, especially for the Israelites. In the Old Testament, there are countless stories of exile and hardship. However, God uses those time periods to develop and teach His people what it means to trust in Him, love their neighbors, and surrender to His Lordship. As we learn in this message, God ultimately turns their failure into hope and restoration of all nations.
Judges & Kings
The Big Picture takes a depressing turn as we learn about the judges and kings that ruled God’s people. Despite their weaknesses and failures, however, God still uses them for His glory.
The Law
The Big Picture series continues with one of the most famous Bible stories around: The Law of Moses. We learn how the laws and worship practices of the Israelites were formed and ultimately shaped the course of history. Once again, God’s faithfulness and mercy stand out despite the disobedience of His people.
In Genesis 15, God establishes His covenant with Abram, forever changing His people and our story. Pastor Amy explores this passage, ultimately showing us that covenant is not contingent on human faithfulness. It’s contingent on God’s.
The Fall
As we continue The Big Picture series, we come to a breaking point. Even though the Garden of Eden was perfect, we still see sin enter the world through Adam and Eve in Genesis 2-3. Our story doesn’t stop there, though. Despite the brokenness and pride of humankind, God’s desire is always for restoration rather than condemnation.
How was the universe created? How were humans formed? These are the questions the world has been asking since the beginning. Pastor Brent takes a look at the first few chapters of Genesis, exploring the beauty and goodness God instilled in our world while addressing the tension that often exists between science and creation.
Soul Check Sunday
Jesus’ words change everything, but we rarely listen to what He has to say. That’s why we created space to reflect, worship, pray, and ultimately listen to what God has to say over our lives, relationships, jobs, and world. Follow along this thoughtful message as we make room for God.
While We Wait
There are countless theologies of how Jesus will return, but what do we do while we wait? Pastor Brent explores Scripture in the books of Revelation and Matthew to invite us to discern, persevere, encourage, preserve, and proclaim in the meantime.
But Is It Really?
Most of us grew up in fear of Jesus’ return. Terms like the “rapture,” “tribulation,” and “dispensationalism” leave us more confused than excited about what the return of Jesus will look like. Pastor Brent explores Matthew 24 with its original context and intent in mind, helping turn what is typically a doomsday message into one of hope and encouragement.