Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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Violence in Religion
Unspeakable conflicts, wars, and violence have occurred in the name of Christianity. As a church, how should we respond to such violence? Jesus called us to take up a cross and subversively surrender, not take up arms and take over.
Abuse in the Church
How do we reconcile the character Jesus embodied with the broken church we see today? Pastor Amy and Pastor Brent guide a discussion regarding abuse in the church, specifically spiritual abuse, sexual abuse, and abuses of authority. Hope and healing is possible, but it starts with recognizing and owning the flaws embedded in our churches’ cultures and systems. Sermon Manuscript [Introductory video shows headlines of abuse in the church] Amy: How do you feel? Sad, dread? Brent: Angry? Amy: Angry?…
Heresy & Truth
In the midst of difficult conversations about life and faith, where do we find our basis for truth? Pastor Brent continues our new series by exploring the concept of heresy and its impact on spiritual communities, offering practical insight to discern what is essential and what is not.
How to Answer
How should we prepare to have tough conversations about faith? Are we even answering the questions the people around us are asking? Pastor Brent begins our new series about how to share the message of Jesus in an ever-changing world.
Soul Check Sunday
As we celebrate a new year, we take a moment to reflect upon all God has done in our lives personally and communally in 2022. Reflect and look ahead with us through worship and a reflective spiritual formation practice.
Christmas Worship Online
Merry Christmas! Join us in celebrating the birth of our Savior with this brief holiday devotional.
King Jesus
We conclude our Crowned series with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus. Jesus’ reign does not look like those of the kings and queens we’ve studied thus far. He is powerful yet meek, authoritative yet compassionate, and righteous yet grace-filled. What would it look like if you crowned Jesus in your life today?
King Herod
King Herod’s role in the Christmas story is one marked by power, greed, and paranoia. Pastor Amy explores how the empire of King Herod differs with the Kingdom Jesus established through his birth, life, death, and resurrection. Will we be people who are influenced by the power and corruption of the empire, or people marked by the humility and love of the Kingdom?
Queen Esther
As we continue our Crowned series, we explore how God used a beautiful queen of humble roots to save His people. The story of Queen Esther demonstrates how God is present and working even when we may not realize it.
King David
We begin our Crowned series by taking a look at a tender yet complicated man named King David. Although he came from humble beginnings, his rise to power did not come without consequences and sin. However, his story and relationship with God foreshadows the incredible mercy and grace to come from the arrival of another King, King Jesus.
Giving Thanks
As we approach Thanksgiving, we celebrate all God has done and is doing at Ashworth Church. Learn about the answer to our fear and negativity and hear stories of hope and encouragement from our congregation.
New Creation
We conclude The Big Picture series by exploring the restoration and renewal that comes at the end of this chapter in God and humankind’s story. Ultimately, The Big Picture is a story about God’s desire to live among His people.