While last weekend didn’t cooperate, we have rescheduled our Swim Night to THIS Saturday, June 22 from 6:15-8:15 PM at the Clive Aquatic Center. This is a great opportunity to bring friends, family, neighbors, and anybody else who loves to play in the pool and introduce them to your Ashworth Family. And make sure to bring your best stuff for the Cannon Ball Contest!
1801 NW 114th St. Clive, IA 50325
Clive Aquatic Center
June 22, 2019
6:15 PM – 8:15 PM
- Community Event
How to register for swim night at Clive aquatic center
Brent Clark
Ramya, Thanks for the inquiry. Unfortunately, swim night had to be postponed. Like our Facebook page for updates.
Ryan Lenerz
Ramya, hopefully you see we rescheduled our swim night for this coming Saturday night from 6:15-8:15 PM. There is no registration for this event, so just show up ready to have a great time! Hope to see you there.