Spiritual Growth (Page 4)

Spiritual Growth (Page 4)

What’s Most Important?

Years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to an author by the name of Richard Foster. Foster has written several books and founded a ministry around the belief that spiritual renewal and spiritual formation and development can help Christ followers enjoy a closer walk with Jesus, leading to a more vibrant and fulfilling Christlike life. I recently read a quote by Foster, “The essential thing is this: Are people really growing into the life of Jesus? If they’re not, we better take a…

Getting out of the Pit

Have you ever felt like you were in a pit? The pit. A deep, dark place of isolation, helplessness, and hopelessness. A place where even God seems a million miles away. Inaccessible.  Most of our lives are like roller coasters with peaks and valleys. Times on the mountaintops and times in the pits. If you are in the pit, you are not alone. We’ve all been there. David wrote Psalm 40 following a time he spent in the pit. Even…