Spiritual Growth (Page 2)
21 Days of Prayer 2020
Join us in our 21 Day journey of daily devotionals and prayer as we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. Download a .EPUB file for Mac and iPhone Download a .PDF file for PC and Android
Check Your Heart*
In the message this past Sunday, we looked at Jesus and his words to the church at Ephesus as recorded in Revelation 2:1-8. It was a challenge to this church who was working hard and holding fast to the truth but had forgotten their first love. Jesus’ answer to this problem was to remember, repent, and return to the things they did at first. In prepping this message, I thought about two important principles that are taught again and again…
Are you the Neighbor?
This past Sunday we looked at our text from the perspective of the widow in need. But what if God wants you to be part of the solution?
Is the Bible Boring?
As a pastor, I shouldn’t be admitting this, but yes, the Bible is boring in some parts. On January 1, I began a reading plan to read through the Bible in a year. That means over the past 3 months I have read countless boring parts: genealogies, numerous censuses (or is it censii?), hundreds of verses of odd rules and regulations, and various boundary markers and travel routes. It’s at this point in trying to read the Bible that many…
Unity in a Nation of Disunity
As I was reading though my journal this morning, reflecting on yesterday’s message calling us to unity, I ran across my entry from November 9, 2016, the day after the election. While the election may be over, the divisiveness and division is not. I share this now because it seems as appropriate today as it did 9 months ago when I originally wrote it. The Day After an Election November 9, 2016 Congratulations, America. You’ve survived another election. But are…
Remix: Unexpected Power
Introduction I have a family of four sons. As a foster family, our conversations around the dinner table can be a bit different than the typical family. A lot of learning takes place around our dinner table, and sometimes we find ourselves in some really funny moments. For instance, this week, one of my sons asked me about water baptism. So I was explaining that water baptism is an outward sign to others of the inward change that happens when a person…
More Thoughts on Doubt
A few weeks ago, we looked at how doubt can sneak up on us as Christians. Often, because we are unprepared, it can throw us for a loop, making us feel like something is wrong with us or that we aren’t good Christians. But as we discussed, often doubt isn’t what derails our faith but is actually what strengthens it. Recently, I ran across a podcast that death with this issue. As I listened, I was encouraged by the speaker…
Villains of the Bible – Satan – Real Attacks but Real Victory
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. A Real Attack Have you ever watched the National Geographic channel and seen the videos of the gazelles or zebras on the African plain? The camera cuts to the lion who is laying in wait, just ready to pounce on its prey. The lion is patient and waits to see one zebra pull away from the heard and then he makes his move. Then he pounces and absolutely destroys the…
Top 3 Bible Reading Apps
Technology: For Good or Evil Technology is a double-edged sword. It devours hours of our teenagers time, and yet it put important information at your finger tips whenever and wherever you need it. Some people lament how the prevalence of tiny screens everywhere has damaged community while others couldn’t imagine a world without the conveniences technology offers us. The same tension exists when considering how technology affects Christians. How ironic it is that the same tiny screen can offer a…
Jesus Changes Everything – Zac’s Story
At Ashworth Road, we believe that Jesus changes everything. Zac Siefkas recently shared his story of coming to faith in Jesus and why he wanted to be baptized. Check out Zac’s story here:
Jesus Changes Everything – Lizbeth’s Story
At Ashworth Road, we believe that Jesus changes everything. Lizbeth Clark recently shared her story of coming to faith in Jesus and why she wanted to be baptized. Check out Lizbeth’s story here: