Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

Resources for Lent

Lent is a season of quiet reflection, a sacred journey through forty days of renewal. With its roots in Christ’s own time of fasting and prayer in the desert, Lent serves as a time for deep self-examination, repentance, and spiritual growth. The season is framed by prayer, fasting, and benevolence—each an invitation to grow closer to the heart of God. Through prayer, we seek guidance and communion with God. Fasting reminds us of our need for spiritual nourishment and the…

Digital Fast Vs Autopilot

As we have begun a digital fast, I have started to notice a few things about my technology habits. One has been how much background noise seems to exist because I have enabled it. Another is finding myself wondering what I should do since I don’t have websites or social media to turn to during this season. One of the most fascinating things that I am discovering is just how much of my technology habits have been on autopilot. I…

28-Day Digital Fast

What role does technology play in your life? Do your social media accounts, emails, news channels, and video games give you peace and help you connect with Jesus? Maybe. But, if you’re like us, it’s easy for technology to go from harmless to distracting, anxiety-inducing, and unfulfilling. That’s why we’re inviting you to join us in a 28-day digital fast beginning on Sunday, February 2 and ending on Sunday, March 2.  What does that look like for Ashworth Church and…

To Be Honest

Recorded in numerous places in both the Hebrew section and Christian section of the library we call the Holy Bible are accounts of people who in raw emotion poured out their hearts to God. We read of deep pain, anger, and an anguish of soul expressed to the Almighty with the desperation of nowhere else to turn. Prompted by the death of a loved one, or starvation, or defeat in battle, or persecution and injustice, we see it demonstrated in…

Peace Be Still

I need time in God‘s presence today. Reading the news and what’s going on in the world has my soul troubled and anxious. Meet me here God; quiet my heart and my restlessness. Let me sit with you this morning.  I feel the heaviness, the weight of the world. Others must feel it too. Divisiveness. Hatred. Murder. War. Enemies. Violence. Cancer. Sickness. Weariness. Exhaustion. Stay busy so I don’t have to face it. Keep the devices on, so I can…

Liturgy of Prayer

Spend 40 days in prayer and intimacy with Jesus. We encourage you to read the following prayers each morning, reflecting upon the faithfulness of Jesus as you pray. For more information on our current sermon series and the liturgies below, click here to watch a video from Pastor Brent! Prayer of Approach Oh God, gather me now to be with you as you are with me. Soothe my tiredness; quiet my fretfulness; curb my aimlessness; relieve my compulsiveness; let me…

Gospel of Matthew: Reading Plan

Throughout Lent, individuals and churches often give up a comfort or adopt an additional spiritual practice to lead to greater self-examination, repentance, and renewal of the soul. This Lenten season, we encourage you to read through the Gospel of Matthew with us. Below, you’ll find a guide to each week of the reading plan. Click on the link to each week to find a written and audio version of the assigned passage. Reading Guide Week 1 (February 26 – March…

Pause and Pray

To be honest, I haven’t been a big fan of prayer techniques. My attitude has been when I want to pray, I’ll do it with my words when I want and where I want. The downside of that has been an undisciplined prayer life. That’s not a good attitude to have about communication in any relationship. Imagine the husband that declares, “I told you I love you at our wedding. If it changes, I’ll let you know.” Such a cavalier…


“Are you saved?” the street evangelist asked me. Raised in the church as the pastor’s son, I knew what he was asking, but in the moment it wasn’t a matter I was giving much thought to. In our tradition back then, one dipped in and out of salvation depending on how successfully they lived the “Christian” life. For us that meant thinking only holy thoughts, daily prayer and Bible reading, no bad words, no dirty jokes, no smoking, drinking or…

01.05.21 Feed

NEW RHYTHMS, NEW YOU It’s a new year and hopefully if you are reading this, then you’re the type of person who wants to be growing and changing and looking more like Jesus each and every day. And while there is no magic in the turning of the calendar page, it does offer a great time for us to slow down and evaluate where we have been and where we want to go. If you haven’t done that already, then…

New Normal

Life can be overwhelming, and finding your footing in this new normal is a challenge. But remember, you are not alone in your struggles.  Join us as we talk about real issues we’re all dealing with as we adjust to the new world we live in: Coping & Addiction (View Message) Marriage & Family (View Message) Mental  Health (View Message) Healthy Spiritual Rhythms (View Message) Through all 4 messages of this powerful series we interview experts in each of these areas to…