Church News (Page 3)
Are You Ready for Easter?
Even though there is still a lot of snow on the ground and at times it seems like winter will never end, the staff and leadership team have been looking forward and making plans for springtime and Easter. Did you know that: $2.6 billion will be spent on Easter candy, 1.5 billion marshmallow Peeps will be consumed (this is one of my favorites), 81% of parents will steal candy from their kids’ stash, More Americans search for “church” around Easter…
Snowball Effect
Exactly one year ago, a group of 12 key leaders from Ashworth spent a long weekend together strategizing about who we were as a church and where we wanted to go in the future. We reviewed the long and proud history of Ashworth, we identified our strengths and weaknesses, and we dreamed about how we might reach more of our community with the saving message of Jesus. At the end of the process, we created three teams to tackle the…
Getting to Know You
Last week, I wrote that the Leadership Council of the church has been looking into a new association for our church, one that is consistent with who we are as a church, consistent with our theology, and more importantly, close enough to us to provide needed support and connection for the church and our staff. To see last week’s article, click here. After examining several options, the Leadership Council proposes that Ashworth become a part of Converge, a movement of…
No Man (or Church) Is an Island
Have you ever heard the expression no man is an island? I’m not sure where I first heard it, but it has been a thought ringing through my mind for some time now. I decided to do a bit of research to discover the origins and meaning of this expression. Thanks to Google, I now know: This is a quotation from an English poet named John Donne written in 1624. Even though the expression has been around since the 17th…
The Potential of a New Year
I love the prospects of a new year – all the potential and possibilities that lie before me. It’s not that anything has really changed from December 31 to January 1, but mentally and emotionally it just feels different. Reflecting on 2018, I see many good things. My family and I were able to enjoy a five-week sabbatical that included a week at a retreat center for Kerri and me and an incredible two weeks for the entire family in…
The Only Thing Constant
As we have turned the calendar page into a new and fresh year, we are reminded once again that as much as we like consistency, the only thing constant is change. Kids will graduate from high school and move off to college or graduate from college into the exciting world of adulthood. Jobs will shift and change. Babies will be born. Friends and loved ones will retire and move off, and some will pass away. As much as I like…
New Worship Times Beginning September 7
This fall, we will change our Sunday worship times. Beginning Sunday, September 7, the Contemporary worship service will begin at 9:15 AM. Our on-campus small groups and ARKids will also start at 9:15 AM as well. The Classic worship service will begin at 10:45 AM. We hope this change will create much needed “space” in our worship services as well as provide our small groups and kids additional time for connection and Bible study. As we adjust these worship times, join…
Ethiopia Mission Team Update
The Ethiopia Mission Team with Beza Threads has been on the ground two days in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Check out the latest video update from their trip.
VBS 2014 – These kids are SHINING!
Check out these great pictures from the first two days of Vacation Bible School 2014 – Shine.
Impact Youth Ministry Year in Review
Our middle school and high school students did so much over the past year. Check out this Flickr slideshow of all that we did! Ashworth Road Flickr page.
Welcome Pastor Amy Becker!
It is with great excitement that I announce the addition of a new staff position at Ashworth Road. Our new part-time Team Pastor for Missions and Outreach is Amy Becker. Amy has been the Campus Staff Minister for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at Drake University since 2006 and has served as the Des Moines Team Leader for InterVarsity since 2011. She graduated from Drake University in 2006 with her Bachelors degree in Sociology. It doesn’t take long listening to Amy to…
Pirates Have Invaded Ashworth Road!
Pirates have invaded Ashworth Road. Every Sunday, our kids will set sail aboard the Penny Poor in search of great treasure. Kids will learn that when we follow Jesus we can become more like Him, which is the greatest treasure we could ever have. Check out these pictures from week one. \