Blog (Page 9)

Blog (Page 9)

New Normal

Life can be overwhelming, and finding your footing in this new normal is a challenge. But remember, you are not alone in your struggles.  Join us as we talk about real issues we’re all dealing with as we adjust to the new world we live in: Coping & Addiction (View Message) Marriage & Family (View Message) Mental  Health (View Message) Healthy Spiritual Rhythms (View Message) Through all 4 messages of this powerful series we interview experts in each of these areas to…

Quarantined: Day 22

ShineArtist: Suki Joseph Premnath Artist Statement: Have you ever felt hopeless that the light you shine in the dark world isn’t enough? We live in unprecedented times and we see so many people hurting in so many ways. The need is so huge, but here we are, carrying our flickering candle, holding it out for the world living in hopelessness and darkness. What is the point? Does it even matter that we shine? In Matthew 5:15, Jesus tells us to let…

Quarantined: Extra – Compassion

Social Justice continues to be a buzz word in our culture. How does the compassion of Christ fit in with a social justice society? Compassionate Life: Extending compassion in every sphere of lifeThe Social Justice Tradition expresses the themes of justice, compassion, and peace. It emphasizes wisdom and lovingkindness to bring relationships into harmony, unity, and balance, even within our relationship to nature. Compassionate Life takes place in all arenas of life, from personal to social to global. As with…

Quarantined: Day 20

A Prayer for a Fresh Filling of the Holy Spirit  Are you weary and longing for more in this season? Working out of your own strength, striving, and running on spiritual fumes? I find myself and so many others in that place, so today I want us to pray for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit!  “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that…

Quarantined: Day 19

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.  1 Peter 2:9 We often think of ourselves as God’s children, beloved by our heavenly father. But we are also told in this verse that we are a “royal priesthood, a holy nation…” Not…

Quarantined: Day 18

As followers of Jesus, we know the truths of Romans 8:31-39, but at times it is hard to believe them.  Life happens to all of us, and we are told lies that go against the things God says we are.  I’ve held on to so many of those comments and things so long that I start to believe the lies.  Those lies keep us away from who God has called us to be. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a…

Quarantined: Day 17

Resurrection of the DeadArtist: Suki Joseph PremnathArtist Statement: I painted this based on a vision I had several months back. In the vision, I saw several open tombs. Lavenders in the foreground were swaying gently in the breeze. The sun was shining and the day was bright. It was a happy place.  The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the tombs are open, just as Jesus’ tomb was open on the resurrection morning. While the Spirit of God will literally…

Quarantined: Day 16

In days gone by, boys would stand on street corners, waving newspapers, shouting out the recent headlines. Today, we have the unending 24/7 news cycle to inform us of just about everything that might be happening in the world. Before, a newspaper printed daily, a newscast in the evening, and possibly a radio announcement might be the only way to hear the news of the day. Today, we are inundated with more information than we can process and left to…

Quarantined: Extra – Spirit-Empowered Living

The word “charismatic” can mean a lot of different things to different people depending on your faith background. Here is how the Charismatic Tradition is shaping your Quarantined experience. Spirit-Empowered Life: Fueling our lives from the presence and power of GodThe Charismatic Tradition focuses on the power of God’s Spirit moving in and through us. Just as a car requires fuel to run, and our bodies require food for survival, so our souls rely upon the Spirit of God for…

Quarantined: Day 15

A Prayer for Those Living on the Margins Today we pause to pray for those who are poor and powerless and are struggling in significant ways dealing with the health and financial fallout from this global pandemic. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you that you are a God who provides and protects, a God who knows the number of hairs on each child’s head. In this moment, we ask you to care for those who are at increased risk to suffer…

Quarantined: Day 14

16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,…