Blog (Page 6)
Restoring Connection with God
Sign up to join us on a 40 day journey towards restoring our connection with God.
12.01.20 Feed
BEST. FEED. EVER OK, so this might not be the best feed, but we are definitely in the most wonderful time of the year, and we have the opportunity to choose to make this Christmas, the Best. Christmas. Ever. But that won’t happen by chance. We have to intentionally use this season of advent to prepare our hearts. We have to focus on what it means that God chose to break into our dark world. We have to ponder how…
11.24.20 Feed
THANKFUL IN A PANDEMIC This Thursday is Thanksgiving and many of us will sit around a dinner table with fewer family members than usual joining us, thinking about what we are thankful for. And while no doubt, 2020 has been a challenging year, God has still been at work this year in your life and mine. I’m grateful for the spring I worked from home and took lunch with my wife each day on the deck as the flowers and…
11.17.20 Feed
CLEAN UP ON AISLE 7 Making a mess of life is something we all will inevitably deal with in life – some of us more often than others. Sometimes we damage our relationship with friends or family, sometimes we simply make foolish choices, and other times we make a mess of our relationship with God. No matter the situation, these mistakes we make require us to actively choose to clean up the mess and fix what we have broken. The…
11.10.20 Feed
ON VACATION We hope you don’t mind an abbreviated edition of The Feed this week as both Pastor Brent and Ryan are taking back-to-back weeks of vacation. And while thinking about it, perhaps we could all use a vacation from more articles about the election, or Covid, or all the ways 2020 has been a challenging year. The Slow Work of God The longer I’ve lived, the more I’ve become convinced of two important things. First, it’s truly possible for…
The Seasons of Life
In an always-on culture, we feel we have to be constantly producing. But trees understand the value of each season and growth doesn’t take place all year long.
11.03.20 Feed
IT’S ALMOST OVER I know we are all facing election fatigue. Yet at the end of this race, I’m sure many of us are also anxiously awaiting the results of today’s contests. One thing’s for sure: political ads are finally over! While the political season can draw us all in to unhealthy ways of thinking, Christians are called to view their political affiliations and their response to the government around them differently. Many of the articles and videos below challenge…
10.27.20 Feed
OBEDIENCE IN ALL OF LIFE Obedience to Jesus is a willingness to yield every part of your life to what he desires for you. This includes the obvious behaviors we are told to avoid in the Bible, but it’s so much more. Obedience includes how you manage your relationships, your willingness to share the Gospel with others, how you use your time and money to serve, and even how you vote. As such, below is an assortment of articles encouraging…
10.20.20 Feed
ENGAGING THE REAL ENEMY Sunday’s message reminded us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers of our dark world. This couldn’t be more evident than when we think about the political climate in America. The first article by well-respected theologian Darrell Bock shines a light on how Christians should engage the culture given this very different world we now live in. This includes praying against the spiritual forces working behind the scenes to divide.…
Rooted Together
Roots for a tree are good, but intertwined roots in the woods are better. The same is true of people in in a church.
10.13.20 Feed
FEEDING OTHERS We hope these first few weeks of the Ashworth Feed have delivered content to encourage and challenge you in your walk with Jesus. But beyond giving you different angles to consider as you grow in your faith, we hope some of these articles might allow you to step into a spiritual conversation with a co-worker, friend, or family member. Despite what you may think, most people aren’t hostile to Christian beliefs, they just never think about the things…
10.06.20 Feed
GIVE GOD SPACE TO SPEAK It’s been 2 days since our message about hearing God speak to us. How have you done creating space for God to speak to you, creating time to sit and be still and actually be able to hear what he has to say? If you haven’t yet made time to sit and be still and listen for God’s whisper, that’s okay. Take the time you were going to spend perusing the articles below, and instead…