Blog (Page 23)

Blog (Page 23)

Making and Keeping the Right Friends

Most of us have friends we like and friends we don’t (and I’m not even talking about social media).  Wait – friends we don’t like?  Yup.  In fact, this phenomena is so common, it has a name – “Frenemies.”  These are the people who are your friends by association, who you actually don’t like because they do things behind closed doors that only your enemy would do to you. So the question is, why would you keep a friend who…

It’s Back to School Time!

How many of these first day of school pictures did you see all over Facebook the past few weeks!  I saw tons of them and even though it’s fun to see everyone’s children growing up, it also hits home that it’s the turn of a new school year.  With that comes change in the household.  Some are ready and some are still dragging their feet, holding on to summer.  My household seemed ready this year and are off to a…

New Worship Times Beginning September 7

This fall, we will change our Sunday worship times. Beginning Sunday, September 7, the Contemporary worship service will begin at 9:15 AM. Our on-campus small groups and ARKids will also start at 9:15 AM as well. The Classic worship service will begin at 10:45 AM. We hope this change will create much needed “space” in our worship services as well as provide our small groups and kids additional time for connection and Bible study. As we adjust these worship times, join…

Ethiopia Mission Team Update

The Ethiopia Mission Team with Beza Threads has been on the ground two days in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Check out the latest video update from their trip.

To Bring an End to Slavery

Today, Scott Oswald and I will join Josiah Carter and Autumn Rupkey from Beza Threads on a nine day adventure to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Beza Threads is a mission partner of Ashworth Road that is doing amazing work in helping to end slavery and human trafficking in Ethiopia. If you are unfamiliar with their ministry, you should take the time to check it out at Below is an email from Josiah to the ministry partners of Beza Threads discussing…

Are you an Encourager? Find out!

Hope you’ve been thinking about the importance of encouragement and affirmation in your families this week. You all have been an incredible encouragement to Matthew and I as we’ve joined the Ashworth Road family! Thank you!  Here’s the website for the 5 Love Languages Test I mentioned in yesterday’s message. Grab the others in your family and take a few minutes to learn how you all feel most encouraged, affirmed, and loved! If you missed this message, you can find…

Welcome Pastor Amy Becker!

It is with great excitement that I announce the addition of a new staff position at Ashworth Road. Our new part-time Team Pastor for Missions and Outreach is Amy Becker.  Amy has been the Campus Staff Minister for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at Drake University since 2006 and has served as the Des Moines Team Leader for InterVarsity since 2011. She graduated from Drake University in 2006 with her Bachelors degree in Sociology. It doesn’t take long listening to Amy to…

Pirates Have Invaded Ashworth Road!

Pirates have invaded Ashworth Road. Every Sunday, our kids will set sail aboard the Penny Poor in search of great treasure. Kids will learn that when we follow Jesus we can become more like Him, which is the greatest treasure we could ever have. Check out these pictures from week one. \

Let’s Party!

When we think of spiritual disciplines, we usually think of work, boring, drudgery. But, when done correctly, spiritual disciplines can bring us great joy and be a great reason for celebration.  In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, the people had rebuilt the wall and began a time of spiritual renewal. It was during this time that Nehemiah and Ezra called the people to celebrate. “Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who were interpreting…