Blog (Page 11)

Blog (Page 11)

Quarantined Day 3

This song is one that we have sung many times in our modern service. Sometimes the songs we sing can become repetitive, and that changes our response to them. Recently, I have been listening to the same worship music I usually do, but God is speaking in new ways through it in light of this season of quarantine. He is encouraging me to think outside of myself and toward my neighbors and those that I don’t even know.  In life,…

Midweek minute for April 22, 2020

Video Transcript Hey, this is Pastor Brent and this is your Ashworth midweek minute. First, I wanna say thank you for connecting with us every Sunday online, video zoom calls for senior adult lunch, youth, women’s ministry, and kids and for your continued generosity to the church. We have an amazing church, and it is because of each and every one of you! It is spring into action time, and we are encouraging everybody to get out of the house…

Quarantined: Day 2

Title: EmpoweredArtist: Suki Joseph PremnathArtist Statement: I’ve always been fascinated with the events recorded in Acts chapter 2. The apostles were completely transformed when the Holy Spirit came upon them in power. While painting this, I imagined what it would be like if it happened today. I could have easily replaced the subject with a child, a teenager, a grandpa or a woman. The more I think about the many unreached people in our neighborhoods, offices, and schools, the more…

Quarantined: Day 1

Quarantined – a word most of us never thought would apply to us. Maybe to someone we know. Or maybe not. Forced to stay home, away from family and friends. Apart from our usual activities and normal routines. Forced to slow down, to come face to face with our humanity, and what truly lies within. Too often, it is the busyness of achieving, the never-ending to-do-lists and ceaseless family activities, the noise of our everyday lives that drowns out the…

Midweek Minute April 15, 2020

Technical difficulties, Spring into Action, Send us your family greeting, and a new challenge called Quarantined: Using a Season of Solitude to Connect with God. Video Transcript Hey, this is Pastor Brent, and this is your Ashworth midweek minute. We know we had some technical difficulties Sunday, but we are so thankful that almost all of you stayed with us and made the change from Facebook to Youtube. We’re going to give Facebook another chance this week, but rest assured,…

Midweek Minute for April 8, 2020

Thank you, budget adjustments, supporting our ministry partners, Spring Into Action 2020, and future face to face encounters. Video Transcript Hey, this is Pastor Brent, and this is your Ashworth Midweek Minute. First, let me begin today by saying thank you. We know times are challenging and uncertain for many of you, but you have continued to be generous in supporting the church. Thank you, and I know that with your continued generosity, we will all come through this time…

Midweek Minute – Important Worship Service Changes

Video Transcript Hey, this is Pastor Brent, and this is another special edition of the Ashworth Midweek Minute. As you know, life has been interrupted a bit lately. And this has impacted us as a church as well. We are doing our best to navigate these uncharted waters and are committed to doing everything we can to make sure we continue to help you connect with Jesus and one another while also keeping you safe. Monday evening, our staff and…

Ashworth Coronavirus Official Response

Video Transcript Ashworth Family, The past few days have been a whirlwind of news reporting, closings, and cancelations surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Church staff and leadership have been in discussions over the past week in how we should respond and changes we need to make to keep our church family safe. Two very important things to remember during this time. One, Do not allow your fear to overcome your faith. These are scary times but our faith is in God…

21 Days of Prayer 2020

Join us in our 21 Day journey of daily devotionals and prayer as we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. Download a .EPUB file for Mac and iPhone Download a .PDF file for PC and Android
Essence of Christmas

It’s Christmas Day!

Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Good Shepherd, Jesus who forgives our sins, Jesus who will come again, Jesus the son of Mary, the Son of David, and the very Son of God! How silently, how silentlyThe wondrous gift is given!So God imparts to human heartsThe blessing of His heaven.No ear may hear His coming,But in this world of sin,Where meek souls will receive Him still,The dear Christ enters in. Almighty God, you have given…