Posts by Brent Clark (Page 8)
Getting to Know You
Last week, I wrote that the Leadership Council of the church has been looking into a new association for our church, one that is consistent with who we are as a church, consistent with our theology, and more importantly, close enough to us to provide needed support and connection for the church and our staff. To see last week’s article, click here. After examining several options, the Leadership Council proposes that Ashworth become a part of Converge, a movement of…
A Free Trip to Rome
Brent and Ryan in the Morning S1 Ep8 – A free trip to Rome, long-winded preachers, and reading the tea leaves.
Circumcision, Fickleness, and Swag
Brent and Ryan in the Morning S1 Ep 7 – Brent and Ryan discuss the book of Acts and how the early church health with the issue of circumcision, how fickle the people really were, and tell you how you can enter a drawing to get your very own Brent and Ryan in the Morning swag!
No Man (or Church) Is an Island
Have you ever heard the expression no man is an island? I’m not sure where I first heard it, but it has been a thought ringing through my mind for some time now. I decided to do a bit of research to discover the origins and meaning of this expression. Thanks to Google, I now know: This is a quotation from an English poet named John Donne written in 1624. Even though the expression has been around since the 17th…
Too Early to Drink?
Brent and Ryan in the Morning Season 1 Episode 6 – Flipping a coin, buying Jesus, and early morning drinking.
Grand Theft Donkey
GTD (aka Grand Theft Donkey), finally getting it, the resurrection, and a missed spouse.
Jesus Looks Like What?
Brent and Ryan in the Morning S1 Ep4 – Brent and Ryan discuss how we often follow a Jesus that looks more like us than like how the Bible describes him.
The Potential of a New Year
I love the prospects of a new year – all the potential and possibilities that lie before me. It’s not that anything has really changed from December 31 to January 1, but mentally and emotionally it just feels different. Reflecting on 2018, I see many good things. My family and I were able to enjoy a five-week sabbatical that included a week at a retreat center for Kerri and me and an incredible two weeks for the entire family in…
Once Upon a Time
Brent and Ryan in the Morning, Season 1 Episode 3- Brent and Ryan discuss story-telling, childishness, and poor Martha.
Insightful Women
Brent and Ryan in the Morning Season 1 Episode 2- Brent and Ryan discuss upside down religion, insightful women, and something really amazing.
Best Baby Names
In the Series Premier of Brent & Ryan in the Morning, Brent and Ryan discuss the first few days of the Immerse Bible Reading Plan including popular baby names, teenage pregnancy, disappointment, and losing your kids.
The Only Thing Constant
As we have turned the calendar page into a new and fresh year, we are reminded once again that as much as we like consistency, the only thing constant is change. Kids will graduate from high school and move off to college or graduate from college into the exciting world of adulthood. Jobs will shift and change. Babies will be born. Friends and loved ones will retire and move off, and some will pass away. As much as I like…