Posts by Brent Clark (Page 7)

Posts by Brent Clark (Page 7)

When Showing Up Really Matters

For a few weeks now, we have been talking about inviting and bringing someone with you to our Ashworth Easter services. Every week we have placed invite cards on the pews in hopes that you would pick them up, take them with you, pray over it, and eventually hand it to someone who needs a place to worship on Easter Sunday.  To add a bit more incentive to encourage you to bring someone with you to Easter this year, we…
church west des moines, church johnston, church clive, baptist church, church norwalk, church waukee

Wash Your Hands

Brent and Ryan in the Morning S1 Ep22 – Heaven bound, prophecy fulfilled, and do you want to split a sandwich?
church west des moines, church johnston, church clive, baptist church, church norwalk, church waukee

What is God Like?

Brent and Ryan in the Morning S1 Ep15 – A big ask, what God is like, and war…what is it good for.
church near me, clive church, waukee church, baptist church

Church Leaders

It’s the time of year again where we begin to think about the leadership of the church and specifically those who should be asked to help us continue to lead the church forward. The current structure of our church leadership calls those who serve as deacons to do so for a term of three years. This year, Donnie Moran and Don Peck will be rotating off the Leadership Council. They have been a great source of wisdom and help in…
church west des moines, church johnston, church clive, baptist church, church norwalk, church waukee

Canned Tuna

Brent and Ryan in the Morning S1 Ep 14 – Brent and Ryan discuss canned tuna, manipulating jealousy, and changing your mind.
church west des moines, des moines, waukee, johnston,

Are You Ready for Easter?

Even though there is still a lot of snow on the ground and at times it seems like winter will never end, the staff and leadership team have been looking forward and making plans for springtime and Easter. Did you know that: $2.6 billion will be spent on Easter candy, 1.5 billion marshmallow Peeps will be consumed (this is one of my favorites), 81% of parents will steal candy from their kids’ stash, More Americans search for “church” around Easter…
church west des moines, church johnston, church clive, baptist church, church norwalk, church waukee

Circumcision Part 2

Brent and Ryan in the Morning S1 Ep12 – Circumcision part 2, following the rules, and who do you think you are.