Posts by Brent Clark (Page 10)
The Other Guy – Understanding the Trinity
In Sunday’s sermon, we established that the Holy Spirit is completely and totally God, equal with the Father and the Son. As we try to understand the complexity of the Trinity, sometimes a little humor can be helpful.
Jesus Changes Everything – Ben’s Story
At Ashworth Road, we believe that Jesus changes everything. Ben Verhasselt recently shared his story of coming to faith in Jesus and why he wanted to be baptized. Check out Ben’s story here:
Jesus Changes Everything – Isaiah’s Story
At Ashworth Road, we believe that Jesus changes everything. Isaiah Enochson recently shared his story of coming to faith in Jesus and why he wanted to be baptized. Check out Isaiah’s story here:
Jesus Changes Everything – Jaden’s Story
At Ashworth Road, we believe that Jesus changes everything. Jaden Clark recently shared his story of coming to faith in Jesus and why he wanted to be baptized. Check out Jaden’s story here:
Jesus Changes Everything – Mercy’s Story
At Ashworth Road, we believe that Jesus changes everything. Mercy Sirleaf recently shared her story of coming to faith in Jesus and why she wanted to be baptized. Check out Mercy’s story here:
Jesus Changes Everything – Lizbeth’s Story
At Ashworth Road, we believe that Jesus changes everything. Lizbeth Clark recently shared her story of coming to faith in Jesus and why she wanted to be baptized. Check out Lizbeth’s story here:
Jesus Changes Everything – Zac’s Story
At Ashworth Road, we believe that Jesus changes everything. Zac Siefkas recently shared his story of coming to faith in Jesus and why he wanted to be baptized. Check out Zac’s story here:
What’s Stopping You from Inviting?
Easter is less that 40 days away. In the church world, Easter and Christmas are the two times of the year where those who don’t usually attend church are most open to attending a church service. What usually prevents them from coming? No one asks! A recent article by Relevant Magazine lists several reasons why we don’t invite our friends to church. These reasons include worlds colliding, feeling ill-equipped to answer their questions,risking the relationship, and church not being relevant…
What’s Your Story? Beyond Buddhism
A young man raised in a devout Buddhist home, hears the good news of Jesus for the first time at college. Growing up in a “sea of deities,” he finally encounters God with us, Emmanuel. A powerful story of community, faith and honor. What’s your 2015 story? Click … click … click. I could hear my parents in the other room using a handheld tally counter as they recited mantras. In one day in our home, the counter might reach…
What’s Your Story? From Atheism to Christ Follower
What could possibly move someone from a long held atheist worldview to not only believing in, but trusting in God? A very powerful story of searching, surrender, and following Christ wherever he will lead. I don’t know when I first became a skeptic. It must have been around age 4, when my mother found me arguing with another child at a birthday party: “But how do you know what the Bible says is true?” By age 11, my atheism was…
What Is Your Story?
What Will Be Your Story in 2015? We all have a story. Where we have been. Where we are. Where we are going. And everyone’s story is different. Our stories are littered with twists and turns, good decisions and bad, blessings and trials. For many of us, we don’t think too much about our story. We go through life just trying to survive from day to day. We can’t stop and think about the tory being written in our lives because…
Threads: Jesus – He Changes Everything Stories
We asked a few people around Ashworth Road to share with us how Jesus had changed their lives.