Today I announce that this will be the final edition of the Ashworth Feed. But do not fear, you won’t lose this great content you have come to love – we are simply going to consolidate emails and merge the Feed into the bottom of Wednesday’s weekly newsletter. That way, everyone will have access to these articles and not just a select few.
Additionally, we are launching a new Facebook group for our Ashworth Church family to have conversations around each week’s message and other content we will post to foster ongoing spiritual growth between Sundays. With the blending of the digital world with the physical, we see these changes as a step forward in helping you on your journey of faith each and every day.
While some might wonder why we are creating a Facebook Group in addition to the church Facebook Page we already have – the short answer is that Facebook changed what people see in their feed and are much more likely to see what a Group posts than what we post to our Facebook Page. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry about these details and simply click the link below!
All that to say, please take a moment right now to go out and join our Facebook group. And look for this same content below in tomorrow’s newsletter so you know where it is being moved in future weeks.

How Can it Be OK?
America is fascinated with Nightbirde, a contestant on AGT, not simply because her story of repeatedly battling cancer is compelling, but because she seems to possess something elusive we all want. Or rather, someone: the God who knows our pain, meets us in our pain, and redeems our pain. [Read the Article]

A World Without Email
In this final email of The Ashworth Feed, I thought it appropriate to share this article about the destructive aspects of email. Technology has the ability to enhance our lives, but we cannot forget that all the advancement also comes at a cost. [Read the Article]

Seduced by Sex
In this message, Pastor Ryan looks at the seduction of sex in our culture and the holiness that we are called to by God as taught by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4. [Watch the Message]

Message Discussion Questions
We hope the message from each Sunday sticks with you beyond the Sunday morning worship service. Take a moment to consider the questions below, and even better, talk to somebody (who attends the church or doesn’t) about them.
- Why do you think Jesus says we are to take drastic action to address those things we are lusting after?
- What would you tell someone who shared with you that they were struggling with lust?
- Are you willing to be open, authentic and transparent with someone about something you might be struggling with? If not, why?
- Bonus Question: Can you identify the eye traps in this picture?
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