Too often we allow situations around us to control our emotions, and then let that anger drive our thoughts and our actions. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus calls out this behavior and shows us how it is the condition of our heart and how we see people as less than God intended that allows us to name call and act badly. To explore Jesus’ teaching on anger, watch Pastor Amy’s message here.

Controlling Anger Before it Controls You
In the same way God has given us medicine as a gift that brings healing, we can also employ therapeutic strategies to help us deal with the anger that might be destroying our lives. Here’s a link to the American Psychological Association’s guide on everyday strategies you can use if anger is controlling your life. [Read the Article]

Book RECOMMENDATION: What if Jesus was Serious
What If Jesus Was Serious? is a compilation of all-new reflections (and hand-drawn doodles) from Skye Jethani, a man made famous for his doodles and thoughts he tweeted about God. He takes a look at some of Jesus’ most demanding teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and pushes us to ask whether we’re really hearing what Christ is saying. [View the Book]

Summer School: Anger
In this message, Pastor Brent looks at right and wrong types of anger and describes how as followers of Jesus we must guard against the damaging effects of selfish anger. Yet godly anger that is slow to develop is what drives us to bring justice to the world around. [Read the Message]

Message Discussion Questions
We hope the message from each Sunday sticks with you beyond the Sunday morning worship service. Take a moment to consider the questions below, and even better, talk to somebody (who attends the church or doesn’t) about them.
- Take a few minutes to reflect on the relationships in your life. Is there any anger you are holding that you need to release to Jesus? Has there been hurt or offense that you have caused recently and need to pursue reconciliation? Remember, Jesus invites us to settle matters quickly, so don’t put it off.
- In Matthew 5:22, Jesus calls name-calling destructive. Pay attention to what you call people or how you label people in your frustration. Are there certain names or insults you use in your anger? Ask Jesus to reveal those to you this week and to help you see and name the image of God in people around you instead.
- What are ways that you can cultivate joy and gratitude for specific relationships around you? Consider writing a note of encouragement, inviting a friend to lunch, buying coffee for a coworker, taking an extra 10 minutes to play a game with your child, etc.
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