We don’t use the word temple often, but the truth is, we can unwittingly treat our church buildings like mini-temples if we don’t understand what a temple is. This past Sunday, Pastor Brent explained how the temple is the space where heaven meets earth. The space where that happened most perfectly was in the person of Jesus. And as a result of his life, death, and resurrection – we now have the Spirit of God inside us. So we are now mini-temples, places where heaven meets earth every single day.
The question then becomes, if this is true, do we need church? If I don’t need to go to the building to encounter God, then why go? Especially in a time when being together with others is so complicated with the pandemic and politics. Below are several articles and videos to help you think through these ideas.
Bible Project: Temple
Sometimes we think of our church buildings as holy ground where God’s presence is felt. But that is more inline with the Old Testament concept of the temple than what the New Testament teaches. See how the only thing special about our building is the people who gather inside – we are the temple where God resides! [Watch the Video]
Francis Chan: Impossible Unity
At a time when it seems like everything is trying to pull people apart, we are reminded that Jesus called us to what seems like an impossible task – perfect unity. In this 8 minute devotional followed by reflective questions, Francis Chan offers a way toward unity. [Watch the Devotional]

What’s the Point of Church
In this message from 2016, Pastor Brent breaks down why it is important for people to gather as a church. Like he said on Sunday, church is not a building, it is the people. And although we have God inside us, he never intended for us to follow him alone! [Read the Message]

Message Discussion Questions
We hope the message from each Sunday sticks with you beyond the Sunday morning worship service. Take a moment to consider the questions below, and even better, talk to somebody (who attends the church or doesn’t) about them.
- What place do you find you connect with God easiest? Why? What about this place helps you connect with God?
- How has the Old Testament practice of worship only in the temple and God’s presence being limited to a specific place impacted your faith? Is this something you struggle with? Why or why not?
- How can you be a temple, the place where heaven meets earth and God intersects with humanity, this week?
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