05.18.21 Feed

05.18.21 Feed


Everything must come to an end at some point. Seniors have to (get to) leave high school knowing they never have to go back. When people retire, they often look forward to that final day that marks never again having to get up for work at 6 AM. And as Christians, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, thereby ending the sacrificial system so we don’t have to splatter blood around the walls of our churches in accordance with the Old Testament law. This past Sunday, Pastor Brent spoke about how the perfect sacrifice of Jesus once and for all put an end to our need to shed more blood for our sins. We simply have to receive it and stop trying to make additional penance for our sins.

Divine Accomodation Explained

In this article, Pastor Bruxy Cavey explains why he believes from both the old testament and new testament scriptures why God never wanted sacrifice, but that he used it because our ideals were calling for us to pay for our own sin in some tangible way. [Read the Article]

Our Christian Faith and the Border

For some people the Christian approach to those wanting to cross our border or who are crossing the border or who have crossed the border is simple: it’s against the law, so send them back. For others it’s an issue of love and compassion so welcome them… [Read the Article]

Our Willingness to Sacrifice

Pastor Brent teaches on Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac and questions how much we are willing to sacrifice for Jesus, not to earn salvation but because of our devotion to him. It’s a different take on the topic we just discussed this past Sunday. [Read the Manuscript]

Message Discussion Questions

We hope the message from each Sunday sticks with you beyond the Sunday morning worship service. Take a moment to consider the questions below, and even better, talk to somebody (who attends the church or doesn’t) about them.

  1. Name a task you have to do repeatedly and what you enjoy or dislike about having to do it over and over.
  2. Why is it so important for us to understand that the final payment of sin was fully paid by Jesus?  
  3. In what ways do you try to sacrifice or atone for your own sin?

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