Most people like new things. New car, new couches in the living room, new kitchen remodel. But at other times, we remain nostalgic, hanging on to the way things used to be. Sometimes as followers of Jesus, we end up hanging on to the way things really used to be – like pre-Jesus times! Even though we live in a New Covenant defined by the grace and love of Jesus, we live as law followers, stuck with an Old Covenant mentality, trying to appease God through our good behavior and ability to follow the rules. Last Sunday’s message showed how the covenant has changed and it’s time for our thinking around how we connect with God to keep up.
Bible Project: Covenant
While this Sunday’s message showed how Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant made with Moses, this 5 minute video shows how Jesus also fulfills the covenant God made with Abraham and David. Yet another time to be amazed at how God weaves so many stories together and has them perfectly fulfilled in Jesus! [Watch the Video]

10 Things Evangelism ISN’T
Evangelism stirs up fear in many of us and conjures up images of evangelism done poorly which make us resistant to want to be evangelists with our own friends and neighbors. Perhaps we might reclaim our mandate to tell people about Jesus if we had a better idea of what Evangelism was never meant to be. [Read the Article]

Grace Under Fire
Pastor Brent looks at Ephesians 2:8-10 and how grace radically changes what we can do to earn our way to and make ourselves right with God.
You Are
Here’s the new song we’ve done in Modern worship the past 2 weeks. I thought some of you might want to listen to it this week. The bridge is especially powerful as it walks through the story of the Bible.
Message Discussion Questions
We hope the message from each Sunday sticks with you beyond the Sunday morning worship service. Take a moment to consider the questions below, and even better, talk to somebody (who attends the church or doesn’t) about them.
- In what ways do you find yourself holding on to an old covenant mindset? Too focused on rules? Feeling superior because of your own goodness? Thinking there must be sin behind your trials?
- Why is it good news that God no longer boxes us in with a fence or regulations but instead draws us to the center through the work of Jesus?
- In preparation for the rest of the messages in this series, read Hebrews 9-11 and ask God to show you why this is Good News for you!
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